Providing Solutions
to Your Organizational
Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Consulting and Facilitation, Executive Coaching, Strategic Planning Retreats/Facilitation, Senior Team Synergy, and Organizational Climate and Performance Consulting.
Develop an organizational culture that respects and harnesses the power of Diversity/Equity/Inclusion. Streamlined board development, expert retreat facilitation, team building, and more with help from Tracey Elizabeth Webb Associates in San Francisco Bay Area, California. We offer business consulting services for a wide range of organizations and companies.
Executive Coaching
Executive coaching involves starting with personal and organizational authenticity, setting a clear trajectory, and navigating politics and internal roadblocks to reach critical goals.
Tracey Elizabeth Webb Associates brings more than 20 years of senior-level coaching experience to meet clients where they are in their career trajectory. What are the constructs of their current organizational reality? What is their North Star and how quickly do they need to follow that path? What gives their professional life meaning and how do they monetize/actualize these concepts?
The Process
Intake process that requires the client to engage in authentic introspection through the use of a proprietary questionnaire designed to reveal the authentic self
Development of a co-designed road map that encourages “Zigging to Zag”© 2020 Tracey Elizabeth Webb Associates—agile navigation
Set a coaching schedule designed to work on 1-3 leadership strategies at any given time—primarily focused on achieving the desired career stasis of dynamism desired
Focused coaching on executive presentation/speaking skills as a key vehicle for organizational presence, recognition, and contribution
Creating Strategy From Senior Team Synergy and Innovation
Facilitation for Strategic Outcomes
We enable clients to create strategic goals and tactical plans that produce organizational growth and alignment as well as inspire customer confidence.
The Process
In-depth qualitative interviews and data review to determine the organizational status quo (foundation)
Development of custom-designed exercises, cases, and interactive sessions designed to encourage full engagement, contribution, and production of action plans
Full report delivered following the session(s) that captures the key points, strategic plans, and tactical steps to achieve the organization’s goals, including recommendations to embed the goals into the organizational structure and fabric
Organization Change: Organization ISC
Our goal is to uncover and develop the true organizational DNA—the rich artifacts, constructs, beliefs, and missions that form the fabric of the entity. We believe in client-directed change—not consultants’ models imposed on the organization. We listen, we process, and then we lead organization change/transition initiatives.
Our Diversity/Equity/Inclusion engagements follow the process outlined below. As an African American woman, Ms. Webb understands the importance of having diversity in front of the room. We bring diverse teams to our DEI work to collaborate with Ms. Webb when larger consulting teams are needed.
The Process
Appreciative inquiry is used to determine the unique characteristics and attributes of the organization or team(s) that can help contribute to a strong foundation for organizational change.
The team synthesizes the information with a keen eye/ear to uncover patterns, entrenched beliefs/values, useful processes that have yet to be codified, and to determine those processes that impede further growth and development
Tests of change are designed that are palatable to the organization. As these tests demonstrate positive results, the organization is taught how to replicate success without the dependence on consultants so that the change is meaningful and sustainable.
In-depth qualitative interviews and data review to determine the organizational status quo (foundation)